Associate Professor, Music, University of Richmond, VA 860.989.4707


I'm a dad, a sound and music scholar with wide research interests (click here for a CV) and a performer of many kinds of musics.Click here for some old or some new examples. I live in Richmond, Virginia where I facilitate a community Gamelan Orchestra and an experimental music and shadow theater group and (when there is not a pandemic) a recording studio in the City Jail. I also tinker with sound installations. I teach two kinds of courses at the University of Richmond: 1) practice-based classes in which students learn about a wide variety of musics (primarily non-Western) through embodied learning and 2) seminar classes in which students investigate the relationship of sound/noise/music to culture.

Research interests (in various stages of gestation):

-A comparative study of music as ethics (book forthcoming on Oxford Universiy Press in 2022)

-Music in carceral spaces.

-Empirical analyses of microtiming in percussion based musics.

-AudibleRVA, a digital humanities project investigating music/sound/noise as they relate to affective geography and social infrastructure in Richmond. This project has recently been awarded a grant from the NEH Digital Humanities Advancement initiative